Use of social bookmarking sites by research scholars of central universities in North India

Madhusudhan, Margam ; Ashraf, Asmi Nowsheeba


A structured questionnaire survey was carried out on a sample population of 720 research scholars in twelve Central Universities of North India. Five hundred and ninety-seven filled-in questionnaires were received and analysed. The findings indicate that research scholars usually use bookmarking tags to organize the online research-related resources.LibraryThing is the most used SBS for building a personal library with links, pages, notes, and pictures. The study recommends that university libraries should help the research scholars to locate required resources and stresses upon the responsibility of library professionals and research supervisors to motivate the research scholars to effectively use SBSs for their research work.


Social bookmarking sites; Social tagging; Folksonomy; LibraryThing

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