Library and information science theses in Shodhganga repository: a study

Mir, Aasif Ahmad; R, Sevukan


The study aims to analyse the availability, visibility, impact, and trend of LIS PhD theses deposited in Shodhganga. Data for the study were obtained from Shodhganga ETD repository ( and Google Scholar till December 2019. Ninety six Indian universities have deposited 1767LIS theses in the Shodhganga repository. Detailed analysis of the top five universities contributing to Shodhganga reveals that only 15.68% of the theses were cited. Theses from Savitribai Phule Pune University received the maximum number of citations. Most productive research guides in LIS research based on e-theses in Shodhganga have also been identified.


Grey literature; LIS research; LIS theses; Shodhganga

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