Scientometrics of Indian crop science research as reflected by the coverage inScopus, CABI and ISA databases during 2008-2010

Garg, K C; Tripathi, Harish Kumar


The paper analyses scientific output of India in the discipline of crop sciences as reflected by the coverage of scientificoutput in three different databases i.e. SCOPUS, CAB Abstracts and ISA (Indian Science Abstracts) during 2008-2010. Theanalysis indicates that highest number of papers was published on rice and wheat crop. Agricultural universities andinstitutions under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) were most productive institutions. Most ofthe papers were published in Indian journals with low impact factor. Environment and Ecology, Indian Journal ofAgricultural Sciences and Research on Crops were the most preferred journals used by the Indian scientists. The majorresearch is focused on ‘genetics and plant breeding’ followed by ‘soil, climate and environmental aspects’ and ‘agronomicaspects’. The authorship pattern reveals that co-authored papers accounted for 72% of total output.


Bibliometrics; Crop science; Scientometrics; India; Grain crops

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