The scope of open peer review in the scholarly publishing ecosystem

Majumdar, Sandip


This study explores the selective corpus of existing literature on Open Peer Review (OPR) to understand and map theextent of adoption of OPR in the scholarly communication, the reflection of different aspects of human emotion embeddedin the open peer review reports and authors’ response as well, the influence of OPR reports on citation status of articles, andapplication of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and similar technologies in improving the operational viability as well asacceptability of OPR among the scholarly community. The study finds the emergence of various OPR adoption policies andlevels of adoption together with emerging models of scientific publishing. Clearly, there is a lack of uniform OPR adoptionpolicy. It also highlights the association of different sets of human emotional traits with OPR reports. The experimentationwith the possibility of treating preprint servers and open access repositories as a manuscript marketplace for the eventualselection of articles for open peer review and journal publication is noticed. More research on the influence of humanbehavioural aspects on OPR practice and the application of emergent technologies in OPR would be required before finallysettling down on a stable roadmap for OPR.


Open peer review, open identities, open reports, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Interplanetary File System,Overlay Peer Review

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