Factors affecting utilisation of electronic health information resources in universities in Uganda

Alison, Kinengyere Annet; Kiyingi, George William; Baziraake, Bernard Bamuhiiga


This article reports on a study done on electronic health information resources (e-resources) usage in three universities offering medical education in Uganda. One of the objectives of the study was to investigate factors influencing utilisation of e-resources, which this paper set out to examine. Data was gathered through interviews, questionnaires and citation analysis. Graduate students, teaching staff/ researchers, heads of departments and librarians participated. The ATLAS.ti and Excel programs were used to analyse the qualitative and quantitative data respectively. The study revealed that utilisation of e-resources was influenced by human and institutional factors. While usage was low, there was a significant relationship between usage and information literacy. Addressing factors that affect utilisation of e-resources improves study, research, and ultimately patient care. While healthcare providers will make informed clinical decisions, quality of research and student grades will improve. It will guide curriculum development and/or revision in those fields and guide policy formulation in setting up minimum standards for libraries in universities. E-resources are important in medical education because they support study and research. Addressing their utilisation therefore improves library services, study, research and ultimately, healthcare.


Electronic health information; Information resources; Information utilisation; Academic libraries; Universities; Uganda

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