Author Details

Ramane, Sangram

  • Vol 59, No 06 (2021): IJEB [JUNE 2021] - Papers

    Interferon gamma and IP 10 mRNA quantitative real time PCR in whole blood culture of guinea pig and cattle to multi-antigen recombinant protein cocktail and PPD of Mycobacterium bovis (3/86Rv)

    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 60, No 03 (2022): IJEB [March 2022] - Papers
    Comparative evaluation of pncA gene, IS6110 and 12.7-Kb fragment based PCR assays for simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis and M. bovis) in cultured strains and clinical specimens
    Abstract  PDF

Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB)