Biobibliometric portrait of V L Kalyane, a stellar biobibliometrician
V L Kalyane is one of the pioneers of biobibliometric studies in India. This study presents scientometric analysis of 120 papers of Kalyane published during 1973-2009 with 338 co-authors. He has to his credit, 20 single-authored and 100 multi-authored papers. His studies covered 17 renowned scientists, 9 Nobel laureates and one philosopher. His highest productivity is about 7 papers per year during 1993-1997 when his age was between 39-43 years and second highest productivity is about 6 papers per year during 2003-2007 when his age was between 49-53 years. The highest productivity coefficient is 1.0 during 1978-81, 1996, 1999-2003 and 2005-2009. Kalyane had 50 collaborators of which Vijay Kumar, E R Prakasan, B S Kademani, Anil Sagar and Anil Kumar were the most active or core collaborators. He used 65 communication channels to disseminate the results of his research of which Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Sciences (11 papers) tops of the list followed by Annals of Library and Information Studies (7 papers), Scientometrics (6 papers), SRELS Journal of Information Management (6 papers) and http:/ access archives) (6 papers). The publication concentration is 30.77 and publication density 1.85. The most frequently used keywords are scientometric portrait (25) followed by Nobel laureates (10).
Bibliometrics; Biobibliometrics; Scientometrics; Information scientists; Information generators; Library science; Biologists; V L Kalyane; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre; Nobel laureates; Scientists
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