S R Ranganathan in Google Scholar and other citation databases
This paper analyses the scholarly contribution of S R Ranganathan as reflected in Google Scholar Citations, Web of Science, and Scopus. This paper also identifies popularity of his published works, particularly which are highly referred by the researchers and LIS curriculum designers. His top three highly cited books are namely Prolegomena to Library Classification, The Five Laws of Library Science, and Colon Classification. His top three highly referred journal articles are titled “Hidden Roots of Classification”, “Subject Heading and Facet Analysis”, and “Colon Classification Edition 7 (1971): A Preview”. This paper identifies the articles that cited his works extensively and got considerable citations from the other researchers. Top citing journal articles are namely "The Need for a Faceted Classification as the Basis of All Methods of Information Retrieval", “Ranganathan and the Net: Using Facet Analysis to Search and Organise the World Wide Web” and "Grounded Classification: Grounded Theory and Faceted Classification". These citing articles also indicate that Ranganathan is very relevant to today’s researchers in interdisciplinary areas, particularly which belong to the fields of computer applications and information systems.
S.R. Ranganathan; Google Scholar Citations; Web of Science; Scopus; Citation Analysis; Citation Index
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