Scientometric portrait of Professor Wolfgang Glänzel, an expert in the field of scientometrics

Gholampour, Behzad ; Noruzi, Alireza


Professor Wolfgang Glänzel, an outstanding and leading professor at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium, received the international Derek John de Solla Price Award for remarkable contributions to the quantitative studies of science in 1999. During his 37yearsof scientific career, 276articles have been individually or collaboratively indexed with his name in Web of Science. Thirty five out of 276 papers were single authored by Glänzel, and the other 241 ones were collaborative works. Glänzel’s highest level of scientific productivity with 122 documents was during the years 2008 to 2017, when he was 53 to 62 years old. Scientometrics was his preferred journal. Glänzel has mainly collaborated with researchers from Hungary and Belgium, specifically some of the KU Leuven and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For instance, outstanding researchers including Schubert, Thijs, Braun and Zhang are part his authorship teams. Professor Glänzel has done considerable work in areas such as hybrid clustering, text mining, citation analysis, bibliometric analysis, scientometric indicators, altmetrics, and others.


Scientometric portrait; Bibliometrics; Bio-bibliometrics; Wolfgang Glänzel

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