Contribution of academic libraries towards sustainable development goals

Mashroofa, Mohamed Majeed


This paper is an exploratory investigation about the contribution of libraries in achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study focusses on how libraries couldformulateplans to integrate the SDGs into all its programmes and projects.The studyidentifiesnine SDGs that require the direct involvement of libraries as well assome successful activities carried out by certain libraries for this purpose. The paper, after exploring the situation of academic libraries in Sri Lanka,found that eight universities in Sri Lanka have included ‘sustainable development’ in their strategic plans and academic libraries integrate them in library resources, services and programmes. However, these libraries are lacking in mapping of their activities with SDGs. The study recommends that academic libraries should map SDGs to the libraries’ programmes, services, and resources.


Academic libraries;University libraries; Sustainable development goals; Sri Lanka

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