Simplified micromechanics approach to analysis the performance of UD composites

Godara, Surendra Singh; Mahato, Prashanta Kumar; Saxena, Kuldeep Kumar


A simplified micromechanical approach is used for the modelling and analysis of unidirectional (UD) compositeperformance. In this paper, the influence of volume fraction and constituent properties on the effective longitudinal,transverse, and shear properties of unidirectional composites are investigated. These effective properties are determinedusing the micromechanical approach, which is based on mathematical modelling using the rule of mixtures. Four differenttypes of unidirectional composites such as T300/BSL914C, IM7/8511-7, T300/PR319, and S2-Glass/epoxy were used foranalysis purposes. The method was validated with existing experimental results. The response is dependent on an array ofparameters, such as the orientation of fibers, the volume fractions of fibers, array of fibers and the material properties oftheir constituents. Further, this micromechanical method might be used with other reinforcing fibers for the prediction ofproperties of UD, hybrid and other composites architectures.


Composite, Unidirectional composite, Micromechanics, Mathematical modelling, Elastic properties

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