Vol 10, No 3 (2019)

September 2019

Table of Contents

Review Papers

Piscicidal plants of Northeast India and its future prospect in aquaculture - A comprehensive review

Dutta, Manash Pratim; Singh, Moirangthem Kameshwor; Borah, Dhitri 165-174


Protective effect of methanol leaf extract of Sphaeranthus indicus L. on an experimental model of epilepsy


Singh, Sonia ; Semwal, Bhupesh C 175-180
Evaluation of Ageratum houstonianum Mill leaves extracts against phytopathogenic fungi PDF
Devkota, Anjana ; Sahu, Anita 181-187

Antifungal activity and evaluation of phenolics contents of dill Anethum graveolens L. extracts original from Algeria

Zeyneb, Tifouri Benzina; Fawzia, Toumi Benali; Mohamed, Benyahia ; Joon-kwan, Moon 188-194

Screening and characterization of extracellular cellulase enzyme produced by wild edible mushroom Pleurotus giganteus

Debnath, Gopal ; Das, Panna ; Saha, Ajay Krishna 195-199

Physico-chemical parameters and nutritive value of Pavetta crassicaulis Bremek and Olea dioica Roxb. collected from Western Ghats region of Karnataka

Rao, Ashwathanarayana ; M S, Padmashree ; Naika, Raja 200-209

Study of the safety profile of raw (aśodhita) and cow’s urine processed (gomūtra śodhita) tubers of Gloriosa superba L. (Lāngali) in albino rats

Bhide, Bhargav Vijay; Acharya, Rabinarayan ; Ravishankar, B ; Kolhe, Rasika ; Nariya, Mukesh 210-217

Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR) [Formerly Natural Product Radiance (NPR)]