Response of potato crop to vrikshaayurveda based herbal kunapajala against black scurf and early blight disease

Adhikari, Suraj ; Sharma, Shailbala ; PANDEY, SUNITA TEWARI; Singh, R P ; Singh, Vivek


Potato is susceptible to diseases like early blight and black scurf caused by Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, respectively which are known to reduce the quality, yield and price of the tubers. Since ancient times in India, cultivation of plants using fermented liquid organic fertilizers and amendments had been practiced which are well documented in various scriptures and books. One such formulation is the kunapajala mentioned in Vrikshayurveda which was prepared by fermenting animal remains. It was used not only to stimulate plant growth but also protect them from pests and diseases. The potato cultivar Kufri Bahar was used against early blight and black scurf disease under field conditions during the rabi season of 2020-21 at VRC, Pantnagar. The results revealed that 10 per cent solution of KJ2
(50% nettle grass + 50% seasonal local weed based KJ) at 2000 L/ha dose and KJ3 (seasonal weed based KJ) at 1000 L/ha were found effective against black scurf and early blight disease of potato, respectively showing 12.37 and 35.79% reduction disease severity over control, respectively. It was also found that kunapajala treated tubers were statistically at par in terms of germination per cent and tuber yield with the control treatment in which recommended dose of fertiliser was applied suggesting that kunapajala treatment as mentioned above effectively provided the nutrients required by the growing tubers.



Black scurf, Early blight, Herbal kunapajala, Potato, Traditional knowledge, Vrikshayurveda

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