Vol 82, No 03 (2023)

Table of Contents

Energy Technology & Management

Investigation of the Trail Environment to Enhance the Efficiency of the Solar Cell through Pre-Installation Study

PriyaDarshani, Manu ; Shaw, Ritu ; Sharma, Rishi 307-315

Computer Science & Information Technology

DeeR-Gen: A Pseudo Random Number Generator for Industry 4.0 / IoT

Gupta, Deena Nath; Kumar, Rajendra 316-321

Performance Enhancement of MANET based on Cross-layered Reconfigurable Hierarchical Routing Protocol

Balamurugan, Kavitha ; Pitchai, R ; Supraja, P ; Dhanalakshmi, R 322-327

A Fast-Dehazing Technique using Generative Adversarial Network model for Illumination Adjustment in Hazy Videos

Naidu, T M Praneeth; Sekhar, P Chandra 328-337
Machine Learning Approach-based Big Data Imputation Methods for Outdoor Air Quality Forecasting PDF
Narasimhan, D ; Vanitha, M 338-347

Electronics & Telecommunication

Traffic Clearance for Ambulance during Pandemic Situation and Road Accidents using LoRaWAN Network

Sundararajan, Mohandass ; Rajkumar, Roshan ; Ramya, S 348-354

Rural Development Technology

Fuzzy based Irrigation Control System for Indian Subcontinent PDF
Nagothu, Sudheer Kumar; Anitha, G 355-362

Ergonomic Evaluation of Pruning in Simulated Greenhouse Conditions

Kumar, Adarsh ; Pramanik, Anilendu ; Tiwari, Ravindra Kumar; Das, Sudeshna 363-369

Investigation of Physicochemical, Mechanical, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Mrigbahar Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco.)

Bansode, Venkatraman ; Dwivedi, Madhuresh ; Pradhan, Rama Chandra; Panda, Tarak Chandra; Niranjan, Thota ; Jaddu, Samuel ; Tomar, Mahipal Singh 370-377

Management of Industry & Policy Implementation

Mapping the Geography of Sustainability Transitions Research:
A Bibliometric Analysis

Dhiman, Sunny ; Singh, Rajbeer ; Yadav, Raghvendra Singh 378-388

Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research